It’s CSA Week! Supporting local and sustainable businesses in our community goes hand in hand with the work we do at Groundswell. Check out how our partners at Fairshare CSA Coalition can connect you to the local farmer that fits your needs. Support local farmers today!
CSA Week is a nationwide celebration and promotion of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). The 40+ organic, small-scale CSA farmers in FairShare’s Coalition work hard to grow delicious food for their communities across the Midwest. We want to lift up their work and help eaters like you get connected to a CSA share in your community.
FairShare provides information on how folks can pick the share that works best for their needs on their About CSA page. And their online Farm Search Tool is a great resource for people to find a FairShare farm near them.
CSA Week is the busiest time of year for CSA share signups. Don’t wait to sign up as shares sell out quickly! CSA is more than food – it’s about directly impacting your local community, knowing and supporting your local farmer, and building a resilient and sustainable future.