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Protect Special Places, Forever

We are a Wisconsin nonprofit and community-based organization. We believe everyone should live in a world filled with green places where communities thrive. Land is essential for people’s physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. All should enjoy equitable access to the benefits of land and nature. If we don’t protect undeveloped land now, it may be lost forever.

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It all starts here

The environmental issues facing our world have never been greater – our climate is changing, farmland is disappearing, not everyone has good access to land, wildlife habitat is vanishing, and people are losing their connections with the outdoors. Groundswell is pushing back. With the help of our supporters, landowners, partners and volunteers, we are taking on big issues with focus and resolve. Acre by acre we are getting results.

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Volunteers processing seed with a hammer mill, Photo Credit: Ben Lam

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With your help, we restore and care for our local natural landscapes for communities to enjoy and wildlife to thrive. No experience is necessary, and we provide the tools for the job.

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From BJ's latest Nature Update!

"Speaking of rodents in winter, I was out walking our newly planted 7.5-acre prairie planting when I came across a large clump of prairie seed.  This clump of seed was tossed by hand during our prairie planting.  Often, when you include the seed from plant species like thimbleweed in a planting, it can create large clumps that causes the seeds to stick together.  Thimbleweed feels similar to sheep's wool and can be difficult to separate out.  It has always frustrated me just a little because I really like getting an even distribution of seed.

When I approached the clump of prairie seed, I reached down to grab a small handful so that I could spread it out.  To my surprise, someone had taken residence in this cozy, insulated blanket of seed!  It startled me more than I'd like to admit.  I took a picture because I knew no one would believe me, put the fluffy seed roof back onto the mouse house, and went on my way. "

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📷: BJ Byers

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive #phenology
We’re excited to share another big conservation win! Thanks to the visionary efforts of Brian and Renee Bjugstad, this month we successfully secured a conservation easement on 189 acres of prime farmland near the Footville State Wildlife Area in Rock County.

This easement ensures the land will remain undeveloped, preserving it for farming while also allowing public access for hunting, hiking, and other nature-based outdoor activities.

"For Brian and Renee Bjugstad, protecting the farmland is very personal. They said, “We want to continue to pass the love of farming down to future generations. This easement deal has brought back some fantastic memories...We want to continue telling these farming stories while adding ours in, too. Let’s keep this agricultural land preserved along with the history of stories embedded into the soil that’s being planted, cared for, and harvested year after year.”

Read the whole post on our blog!

📷: Ben Lam

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive #easement #protectland #landtrust
From BJ's latest Nature Update!

"The warmer weather makes ice fishing a whole lot more fun!  I took my son out on the ice the other day and we had a blast.  He caught the biggest bluegill of the evening and was very excited to show it off. It was fun just admiring the fish and seeing how beautiful they are when the sunlight hits their scales.  It's hard to deny the beauty of a brown or rainbow trout, but take a second to look at our various species of panfish and you might be surprised at how colorful and intricate their patterning can be.

After snapping a couple pics, we sent the fish back on its way and hoped it didn't tell its friends so that we could catch another."

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📷: BJ Byers

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive #phenology #fishing #icefishing
Come join your friends and neighbors for an easy 1.5-mile (roundtrip) candlelit hike at Patrick Marsh!

The event will begin behind Patrick Marsh Middle School in the amphitheater. School staff will kick off the event, and Eastside Elementary chorus students will sing songs.

Then Groundswell staff will lead the candlelit hike into Patrick Marsh. Weather permitting, the hike will end at two large bonfires where guests can enjoy free s'mores!

For the first time, this annual Groundswell event is an official part of @visitsunprairie Sun Prairie's Frozen Fest! It's still free and open to the public, but we encourage registration for planning purposes.

When: Saturday, February 1st from 5:30 to 7:30pm

Where: Patrick Marsh Middle School and Patrick Marsh

Thank you to our event sponsors:
Murphy Desmond SC

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive
Thank you to everyone who helped us plant 5 more acres of prairie at Westport Prairie! That's a total of 7.5 more acres planted this year. We can't do this without you. 

We look forward to seeing this beautiful prairie grow for generations to come. We hope you all will visit too.

📷: Roberta Herschleb 

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive #danecounty #prairie #planting
The Prairie Partners Summer Internship is back! 

Looking to gain field experience in habitat restoration and land management? The Prairie Partners Summer Internship Program will provide an outstanding opportunity to learn tools and techniques of native habitat management, plant identification, and principles of restoration ecology while helping restore beautiful and productive habitats in southcentral Wisconsin.

Through this internship you will work with, learn from, and build professional networks with four organizations: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Ice Age Trail Alliance, Groundswell Conservancy, and Riverland Conservancy. The internship includes on-the-job training and occasional educational days and field trips. It will run for 12 weeks between May 27 and August 14, 2025.

Visit our careers page in the link in our bio to learn more. Please share this opportunity with others! 

📷: Ben Jones

#groundswellconservancy #conservation #prairiepartners #internship #danecounty
From BJ's latest Nature Update!

"While on the same hike, I saw some movement on the ground out of the corner of my eye.  Whatever it was, it had scurried into the brush and out of sight.  I told my 7-year-old I thought I just saw a house cat run into the brush and he replied with "actually, I think it was an opossum". I wasn't sure that I had ever seen an alive opossum in the daylight so I was skeptical.  As we got closer, we saw the mysterious creature climbing a tree and sure enough, it was an opossum!  I may have my 7-year-old write the next 'Nature Now' email..."

Sign up for our emails to receive the full nature updates when they come out! 

📷: BJ Byers

#groundswellconservancy #conservationwhereyoulive #phenology #virginiaopposum #opposum
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