Thanks to supporters like you, this year Groundswell protected special places in our community, restored important wildlife habitat, connected people to nature, and more! Read all about our latest projects in our 2023-2024 Annual Report. Here’s a preview of the stories inside.

This is our legacy…

Headshot of new Executive Director, Heidi Habeger

I am honored to be the new Executive Director of Groundswell Conservancy! I want to thank those of you who sent thoughtful cards, emails, or called to share in the excitement with me. I’m deeply grateful for your support. To those of you I have yet to meet, I look forward to connecting in person. READ MORE HERE.

Good News for Ducks and Other Wildlife

Landscape photo of a wetland with green forest and blue skies in the background
Photo credit: Tony Abate

In January 2024, Groundswell purchased 20 acres of wetlands in southern Columbia County. This property adds land to the Anderson Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) and provides habitat for ducks, geese, and other wildlife. READ MORE HERE.

Improving Soil Health at Westport Farm

Groundswell employee Sam Douglass showing a program participant how to assess soil compaction
Photo credit: Ben Lam

Healthy soil creates healthy plants and thriving farming communities. At Westport Farm, I help to tend the soil for HMoob farmers who have collectively farmed there for decades. This year, we took 3 acres of land out of production to nourish the soil for incoming growers. READ MORE HERE.

Support the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program Today!

Logo badge that says "Team Knowles Nelson: Protecting Land and Water in Wisconsin"

We’re at risk of losing public funding for vital conservation and we need your help. READ MORE HERE.